* Call of Duty 4: Modern warfare
* custom free multiplayer map
* "mp_mw3_alpha"
* Version 1.0
* by Hugo
* Free to share and play !.
* 02, 04, 2020 ( DD/MM/YY )
Remake from Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 "lockdown" multiplayer map;
tdm, dm ,hq, dom, sab, sd, ctf, gametypes supported.

mp_mw3_alpha_waypoints.gsc : file to be used with "pezbot" mod.
mp_mw3_alpha_v1.0.md5 : to be used with external programs to verify files ( HashCheck v2.1.11.1).

Mods tested offline:
WW3 , by Mits,
BO2, by Mits,
pezbots by Pezzalucifer.

Sometimes AirStrike ver far ( ? ).

* Credits:
Tom Crowley ( COD tools ),
black_ninja ( N.R. Extractor src code ),
Autodesk ( 3dsmax trial ),
M.S. (Vsiual Studio),
Devil (libs and source code),
A. (Pshop),
Infinity Ward ( COD4, radiant & Mod tools),
One ( radiant tuts ),
wiki.modsrepository ( radiant info ),
Youtube ( free upload videos),
Mediafire ( free uploader ),
Mega ( free uploader ),
Codeproject ( c++ info ),
sourceforge ( free uploader ),
postimg ( free image uploader),
oldeschoolgamers.co.uk ( free sharing custom maps ),
SkeletonM ( extracted sound from fastfiles ),
cGc ( testing map. coolgugo.free.fr ),
Greyhound (Dev by DTZxPorter - Maintained by Scobalula),
Husky ( Extractor for Call of Duty ,github.com/Scobalula/Husky),
TeknoMW3 ( mw3 offline scripts ),
Greenshot (screen capture, getgreenshot.org ),
Bulk Rename Utility ( www.bulkrenameutility.co.uk ),
VirtualDub ( free avi editor ),
Mits ( www.mitsmods.fr ).

* Special thanks:
Painkiller (k4f-in-berlin.de),
All people playing this map!,
all servers admins. sharing custom maps !
all sites sharing information about this map !
all people greetings about this custom maps !

* Report fatal bugs, comments:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCux0A0hn4GhaMrHLaECcCaw ( new )
www.oldeschoolgamers.co.uk (Hugo, message, forum, topic...)

Thanks for playing, 
have 'super' fun time !!
:) :)